Mom and I watch Judge Judy together as often as we’re able. When we’re not, for whatever reason, by the time we dive in for an afternoon episode it’s as if into a long-awaited meal. Starving, we sit, rapt, eyes glued to the TV screen.
“Is she still mad?” Sometimes we’ve asked the words aloud. Lately, a puzzled glance toward each other lets us know all we need to know. Judge Judy’s ticked. Something’s not right.
Maybe she had one of those years. You know, clothes just not hanging like they should, to-do lists too often becoming to…morrow lists.
We each of us know that feeling. We can completely understand.
My main objective this year — my theme word (sounds silly, I know) — is confidence. Confidence: the acquisition, and what to do with it once it’s acquired. Yes.
What about you? I’ve heard it said that declaring your intention for the year helps to sort of seal the deal.